Monday, March 7, 2011

Minimalist Modern Brighton House

Minimalist Modern Brighton House.................

modern minimalista house called the House of Brighton, than is found to Melbourne, in Australia, is equipped of four bedrooms and five bathe beautiful, with beautiful views of the bay of Melbourne, the sight of the city of Melbourne, planned from NIC Bochsler. The white man is the color that dominates the majority of the inner ones, thus giving a warm light and vibrating. In order to create a sense of transparency and lucentezza, wide use of glass applied to the width of the window and the ventilation. So that the opinions of all the page can be seen dall' inside of the house. Thus beautiful. Two characteristics that truly made this dwelling are a vivaio extraordinary sibilando from the remaining houses, and private Prato you live from grass tennis. Perfect mix. A plan that could render relax and the comfort, lussuosa residence the much funniest one than you can imagine.


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